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Meet the Media: Q&A with Ryan Budnick, KMGH-TV

Posted: April 4, 2012-Likes: 0-Comments: 1-Categories: Bits and Buzz

One of the most exciting and rewarding parts of public relations is the opportunity to work with the media. In the past, we’ve shared insight from local and national journalists through our “Meet the Media” blog posts. I am incredibly excited to bring back Meet the Media in 2012, and look forward to helping you […]

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What PR Is and 5 Things It’s NOT

Posted: March 11, 2012-Likes: 0-Comments: 0-Categories: Bits and Buzz

Earlier this month, the Public Relations Society of America announced a new definition of public relations. Following nearly 1,500 votes from industry professionals, significant commentary and almost a year of research, PR is now defined as:  “A strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”

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What’s Your Mission?

Posted: January 24, 2012-Likes: 0-Comments: 1-Categories: Bits and Buzz

Over the weekend, my husband and I had the privilege of attending a long-time client’s annual kickoff event and awards ceremony. The Breakaway Group, a Denver-based consulting firm that specializes in healthcare technology adoption, hosts its “launch” event each January. It’s a chance to celebrate the company’s successes from the prior year, rally around the […]

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Grammar Police: Who vs. That and I vs. Me

Posted: January 17, 2012-Likes: 0-Comments: 2-Categories: Bits and Buzz

Time for another installment of Grammar Police with quick reminders to help you avoid annoying grammatical errors you see and might make every day. For most of us, grammar lessons are a fuzzy distant memory, filed somewhere in your mind alongside the lyrics to Warrant’s “Cherry Pie” and quotes from The Cosby Show and Saved […]

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To APR or Not to APR?

Posted: November 2, 2011-Likes: 0-Comments: 0-Categories: Bits and Buzz

It’s a question every public relations professional asks at some point in his or her career – should I pursue my Accreditation in Public Relations? Will it add to my professional knowledge and credibility? And, will it help me advance to the next level in my career?

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